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The first portal in Europe dedicated to thyroid thermal ablation.

Experts in thermal ablation worldwide.

We do not engage in plain healthcare advertising or marketing; instead, we provide indications about specialists who have undergone a qualifying process and have extensive experience in performing thyroid interventional procedures. These names represent the pride of the national and international healthcare landscape due to their significant experience, a considerable number of procedures performed, and a scientifically renowned background demonstrated by scopus indices of scientific publications.

Experts in thermal ablation worldwide.

We do not engage in plain healthcare advertising or marketing; instead, we provide indications about specialists who have undergone a qualifying process and have extensive experience in performing thyroid interventional procedures. These names represent the pride of the national and international healthcare landscape due to their significant experience, a considerable number of procedures performed, and a scientifically renowned background demonstrated by scopus indices of scientific publications.

Gli esperti della
termoablazione in Italia

Non facciamo pubblicità o marketing sanitario spicciolo, noi diamo indicazioni sugli specialisti che realmente ci consta hanno seguito un percorso qualificante e hanno grande esperienza nella esecuzione delle procedure interventistiche tiroidee. Sono nomi che rappresentano il fiore all’occhiello del panorama sanitario nazionale ed internazionale per la grande esperienza, con un notevole numero di procedure eseguite e un background scientifico di grande rispetto dimostrato dagli indici scopus delle pubblicazioni scientifiche.

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